Thursday, December 10, 2009

Budgies fight... what do i do?

i had 4 budgies 2 male and 2 female. Sunshine, Aqua, Lynda and Jesse. Sunshine and Aqua are partners and they were breeding while Lynda suddenly died. We felt really sad for

Jesse. He became very lonely after the loss of Lynda. Now we have put him in a seperate cage because he was always peeping into the nesting box while Sunshine was breeding. I did knot know if he was trying to kill the chicks.Now the chicks have grown up. they are 4 weeks old. Sunshine always fights with Jesse. Do you think Jesse will harm the chicks now if i put him back in the cage with the others or should i wait for some more time and let Jesse be alone?

Budgies fight... what do i do?imax theatre


Budgies fight... what do i do?performing show opera theater

With her taking care of baby chicks,I would advise you to wait until they are older,and she is completely done with them.She will fight with him because she feels her chicks are being threatened,so I would wait a little more if I were you.
you have to separate them

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