i have 3 parakeets in one cage..the first 2 (sunshine and salvester) got along perfectly fine until i got the 3 one. And the third one (blue) tries to bite sunshine, but gets along with with salvester. ever since i got blue..i think sunshine has started to feel lonely and sad and left out. I've been thinking about getting rid of blue because i think he has done another injury to another bird..but will that make salvester lonely too? or will sunshine and salvester go back to normal?
Separting birds after being together for a long time?tickets
Something happened like this to me also. We had two female budgies and a male budgie, and one of the females kept attacking the feet of the older female. I'm not sure if she was trying to just get the boy all to herself or what.
We probably should have separated the one being attacked, but instead we took her to the vet when she kept holding her leg up (and she died two days later).
I'd recommend getting another bird...if you can get two boys and two girls, that way they just all get along and not fight for attention. Or separate one and give it extra attention, toys, or even another buddy.
If you know someone who has one budgie and thinks another might help socialize the bird, then you might consider giving your bird to them...if it's a friend, you can visit your bird often.
Hopefully one of these solutions works for you
Separting birds after being together for a long time?ballet opera theater
Depends how long they've been together. Could be a little competition of the sexes. Would probably go back to normal getting rid of the 3rd bird. If they havent been together for a few weeks you may try to keep them a while longer together, to get use to one another, just like having a stranger new as a roomate, it takes time to get to know them. Good luck!
I would not have the newest bird in the cage w/ the other birds. Three is a crowd so to speak! I think the original birds will get along as before.
they will hopefully go back to normal thats not fair to sunshine if she is loosing her buddy, which im sure he makes her happy ........... to someone who is picking on her. You had her before blue, and you should seperate him, or atleast find a good home where he will not be a bully :) goodluck!!
ya nice to no about ur birds...pshh
Either tap Blue and tell him no! Or just get rid of him, Salvester will be happy he will still have Sunshine. Birds are different to humans with these things...
well, getting "rid" of a bird because he's a third wheel probably isn't the best way to handle the situation. I would not split up the original two. But you could place Blue in a separate cage next to Sunhine and Salvester and perhaps allow them out of cage play time if necessary. OR, you can put blue in a separate cage and get him a buddy of his own.
Good luck.
Just separate him %26amp; then find him a buddy; it's like women; you put 2 tog %26amp; they get along just fine; you put a 3rd one in with them, %26amp; 2 will gang up on the other one.
If you remove the third wheel the original pair will go back to their normal selves. For some reason you can not put three birds together. There is always an odd ball out. once you get four/five birds they will get along. It is also important to have a cage large enough for the birds to be able to get away from each other.
I think you should put Blue in a cage all to himself if he is injuring one of the birds, keep the original two in the original cage together, they would probably go back to normal. I have five finches in a cage (used to be six, but one was picked on so he failed to thrive and died in my hands), so this question was interesting to me.
sushine and salvester will prolly go back to normal and if u think blue will hurt one of them get rid of him
Animals have no feelings.
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