Saturday, December 5, 2009

Could ricketts make a comeback amongst our children?

I read some time ago about the re-emergence of ricketts in some children in Harehills and Bradford.

I know that vitamin D deficiency causes this and diet can play a part.

But is it not also the fact that so many children these days spend too much time cooped up indoors and travelling in cars also to blame for them not getting vitamin D from it's *natural* source - the sunshine (and is the worry about sunshine being more harmful these days due to the so-called depletion of the ozone layer worrying parents too much into not allowing their children to play (with sensible precautions like sunhats and white relective clothing in very hot weather) out in the healthy sunshine?).

Best wishes,


Could ricketts make a comeback amongst our children?opera cd

For children born in this country, their diet and monitoring by health visitors would prevent the signs of ricketts. I think it is more prevailant in the children who have recently emigrated to this country from poorer countries where health monitoring and diet are very poor. The same reason is being shown for the increase in cases of T.B. in this country.

Could ricketts make a comeback amongst our children?opera singer opera theater

I think in Ireland there was a debate about adding Vitamin D to more foods, and even a few foods here have D in but not enough.

Lack of D may bring back ricketts strongly, and in fact D may help in preventing cancers and diabetes.

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