Thursday, December 10, 2009

Is the greenhouse effect changing the weather where you live?

Certainly in Scotland the weather has undergone a dramatic change. 20 years ago, The weather was pretty wet all the time in Glasgow except for the summer when we would have limited sunshine until about August then the Autumn would start and so on .But nowadays the weather changes dramatically unlimited times each day, like at 8am it could be clear blue skies and sunshine then by 10am it will be thunderstorms, 2pm hailstones, and 4pm clear blue sunshine again, the eco system is in complete chaos! what are your countries like? please give examples.

Is the greenhouse effect changing the weather where you live?state theatre

Yes. My neighbor has collected weather data for the last 15 years. It's mostly temperature, rain amount, and a general description of the weather. I did a statistical analysis of the temperature data and discovered that the trend indicated an increasing temperature. I used a least squares analysis and plotted the graph. I did this for a monthly average, and a yearly average. The trend is upward for both, and some record highs were recorded in several months. I don't want to get into the details for anyone who is a statistical genius at this point. The outcome seems to depend on which political party you belong to in the US.

There are also some wild fluctuations in temperature, and wind events. We have had some severe storms that have damaged large areas of pristine forests, and we have had some major flooding. I live in Pennsylvania and, yes, I would say the temperature is changing somewhat by inching upwards, based on temperature data. The voracity of some storm events are very damaging, as viewed over my lifetime in this geographic area. Friend to friend, I would think about moving to Europe if I was you. You are going to experience a cataclysmic event in the near future that will have devastating effects on the UK. At least that's what my research shows. But, it's just the rantings of a conspiracy nut, that's what my friends say.

Is the greenhouse effect changing the weather where you live?theater opera theater

yes, it is way too hot in HK
Here in Indiana we don't have near the snow we used to have in the winter, also we have milder temps.
indeed too hot here i m sweating
you bet....arizona

I live in India a subtropical country

WEll its summer here But this summer is hotter than the summers before

I hope its the green house effect
It has a drastic impact in the Philippine climate, imagine normally during the months of February til June, its summer, but now even during months of april (summertime peak) we even have typhoons or tropical storms??

And during wet season, there are more days that the weather is dry and hot, isn't that weird??
It is, because before, we would get the tail ends of tropical storms where I live or in other words, it would be a low pressure system, but now, we are getting more tropical storms.

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